Ps Phil Cayzer
Ps Phil Cayzer has been the senior pastor of several churches over the past 40 years and has been instrumental in the establishment of Bible colleges in Australia and other countries. His passion is to see people trained in the word, to establish a foundation that will enable individuals to operate in lifelong ministry.
Ps Norma Cayzer
Dean & Head of Diploma
Ps Norma Cayzer is the senior pastor of turningpoint Cranbourne and has been actively involved in Christian counselling and Christian Bible colleges for many years. She is also the head of the Diploma and strives to help her students achieve excellence.

Ps Marg Aeschlimann
Head of Cert III
Ps Marg Aeschlimann is overseeing the Certificate III Department. She manages all the assessing completed at this level. Ps Marg’s has a desire to see people develop in ministry and find their place in God’s call.
Ps Tony O'Connell
Head of Cert IV
Pastor Tony, the Campus Pastor at turningpoint Officer, supervises all assessments for the Certificate IV program. Gifted in teaching, he brings both expertise and passion to support students throughout their learning journey.